I have two super-exciting projects which are are currently getting a lot of creative energy, and as much for my own sake as anyone else's, want to do a little writing on what's going on- forgive my lack of writing style- you get good writing when I get a break.
Buenos Aires Blues.
August 7-9, Knoxville, TN.
Most of our teachers are booked, our venue is booked. Promotions (the most time-consuming and my least favorite part of the process) are underway. We have some really great talent booked this year- Reuel just did a spankin' good job of competing at BluesShout; Marc is a brilliant dancer and a warm, encouraging teacher; Daniel has a magical, dreamy connection. We also have a live band for the first time this year. I'm starting to give thought to the part of the weekend that really gets me excited- the curriculum planning. Since this weekend faces a really unique set of issues, I try to devote a lot of brain power to putting together sets of teachers and classes that will make sense for the students, and be fun for the teachers. Early bird registration ends May 31st, so I'm in the nail-biting stage of counting nickels and dimes, and hoping that folks sign up soon, so I can start sleeping at night.
The Performance Troupe
This was the separate product of 3 minds. I'll be starting up a Philly Performance Troupe this summer, doing some pre-choreographed routines, and some original choreography. We'll do a little of everything- partnered and solo blues, lindy, solo jazz, and anything else that seems like a good fun. So, before we jump into commitment land, I'm offering a 4-week series in June on choreography and performance. We'll do a choreography, practice performance skills, and maybe talk a little about competitions. This is a chance for people to get their feet wet and test out the idea of a troupe without committing, and for me to get an idea of folks' strengths and ability levels. The idea, of course, is that this isn't a super-advanced troupe- I'm looking for really dedicated intermediates who'll be fun to work with.
May 2015
Mike Legett
Whether it's grand themes of life, or what I had for breakfast, here's where I'll tell you what I think. Categories