Alright, this explosion was small. But it was enough to take permenantly out of commission the power source for Plucky, one of my two personal assistants... and by personal assistants, I mean ancient, ailing-but-essential computers. There was a short in the cord that goes from the computer to the blocky-bit, and I'll admit it, I'd known that for a while- she was a little needy on how she wanted to be positioned if you wanted her to charge. But last night, with sparks and smoke and a tiny stink bomb of melting rubber, that power adapter said farewell (and good luck with your musicality class), and left the functional world.
Now there are a few pieces of background you need to know before I can continue:
1. I'm in Boston, which is where I was last night.
2. I drove to Boston yesterday.
3. When I drive, I plug my computer into my car stereo, to keep from arriving only in a ditch.
4. My computer doesn't have enough batter for the Philly-Boston trip, plus 2 classes, plus an hour of djing.
5. Last night I was scheduled for 2 classes, plus an hour of djing.
You see where this is headed?
So there I was, between class one and class two, with my computer howling for more power, despite having been plugged in for an hour, when snap-crackle-pop-oh-dear-oh-dear- no more cord. No more power. No more music. Class two was a musicality class.
"Oh, no!" cried our heroine, distrought.
"Hark! A lady in distress! No music? No laptop! I know! I'll fight the giant dragon called 'Internetus', to reach the castle Emusic, plunder some perfect tunage, and save the day!" Announced our bold hero, Sir John Brooks.
So he battled the dragon, got the magical music, which she used to weave a spell of magic over her students. And together they drove away into the night.
All of which is to say a big thank you to John Brooks, for being my knight apon his sturdy laptop, and to Gui and Union Blues for bringing me out- last night, despite the explosion, was delightful.
Off to find a new magic wand,
Nope, not Fitzgerald. LMNOP, the otter-cowherding-silverfaced dog I'm living with for the short-term. She doesn't actually look like this. This is one of those silly, meaningless, what-happened-in-my-life-today posts. You've been warned! People tell me, from time to time, that I need to actually write in my blog; they're right. I often consider that maybe if I didn't spend so much time chewing my thoughts over and over, that there'd me more left than mush when I finally consider writing them down. I had grandiose ideas when I set up this blog- it was supposed to be full of wit and wisdom... or at least not be all about dance, like everything else I do. The reason there's only one entry? Probably because I set my standards to high. It's hard to live up to anything grand. So starting today, I'll try and just blog. |
May 2015
Mike Legett
Whether it's grand themes of life, or what I had for breakfast, here's where I'll tell you what I think. Categories