My apologies- this blog entry isn't chonological. Right before BluesShout, I spent a week in Pittsburgh, PA, watching epic Dr. Mario battles, hiding from potential tornados, striving for sibilance, and engaging in social art. While the first few days were cold and gray, the weekend was startlingly beautiful; Joy, Davis, and I set out in search of a kite and frisbee, to take advantage of a charming Saturday afternoon. As we found out in the aisle of Kmart, however, neither Joy nor I can catch, or throw. So much for the frisbee. And they don't sell kites at Kmart, aparently. So, without an appropriately sports-like activity, we turned to the next best classic: sidewalk chalk. The results are as follows.

Davis serenades us with his mandolin. (My first piece of "art" is the flower/hummingbird in the foreground)

It turns out, Joy has a way with kids.

Suddenly, we're a social art project.

Good thing we bought the 50-pack, instead of the 3-pack!

I'm more comfortable with chalk than children.

Joy gets comandeered into a portrait.

Even I get a portrait done. Looks just like me, right?